Thanks for stopping by my website. I hope you found what you were looking for. If not, maybe I can help. Let me start by saying my blog has grown from a purely genealogy site to include articles on history, books I have written and books I have read. My most recent endeavor is book reviews. I've included some links below to help you navigate this site.
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Great Genealogy Books With Focus on New England
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Need to give a genealogist a gift. Or give your self a nice reward for being a great genealogist? Here are some great ideas!
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Need to give a genealogist a gift. Or give your self a nice reward for being a great genealogist? Here are some great ideas!
Need help with some Medieval Deed /Land terminology. Find some help here.
Someday, I'll be a best selling author, awash in money. (One can dream) Until then, I'm a humble researcher blowing her cash on subscriptions to genealogy sites, books, and classes. If I have helped you in any way, please consider, making a small contribution, or purchase one of my books, write a review, give me shout out from your own blog/website, etc.
Check out my Bookshelf packed with fantastic Historical Fiction and Nonfiction. Click on the image!
Blood in the Valley. The story of Catherine Wasson and her family as they leave New Hampshire for the wilds of the Mohawk Valley in the Colony of New York. Set during the last of the French and Indian Wars and the American Revolution. Its a story of love, war and bravery. Not to be missed.
Weave a Web of Witchcraft. The tragic story of Hugh and Mary Parsons of Springfield, Massachusetts. Love, Betrayal and Suspense fill the pages of this story of a real New England Couple accused of Witchcraft.
The Heron. An historical fiction/time slip. Set during King William's War. An eerie tale of two women linked by blood.
Click on the covers for more details.